The leading character “plus” displays that this word should be present in every record found. Examples: +apple +juice Finds records that contain both words. +apple nectar Finds entries that contain the word “apple” and ranks them with higher priority if they also contain the word "nectar".
The leading character “minus” indicates that this word should not be present in the records found. Note: It can be used with other search operators. It cannot work independently. If it is used independently there won`t be any results Example: +apple -nectar Finds entries that contain the word "apple" but not "nectar".
Example: apple banana Finds records that contain at least one of the two words in the specified search metric.
These two operators are used to change the priority of the words used in the search. The operator > increases the priority and the operator < reduces it. Example: +apple +(>nectar Finds records that contain the words "apple" and "nectar" or "apple" and "cake" (in any order), but rankes "apple nectar" a higher priority than "apple cake".
The brackets group the words into subgroups. The groups can be used in the rearch.
This leading sign acts to indicate that the priority of entries with this following word sign is lower. This is useful for marking words that add informational "noise". A record containing such a word is of lower priority than others, but is not excluded from the sample. Example: +apple ~nectar Finds records that contain the words "apple" and entries that also contain the word "nectar" are given a lower priority and ranked last.
The star serves as a disguise operator. Unlike other operators, it is at the end of the searched word. Words match if they begin with the word preceding the operator *. Example: librar* Finds records that contain words like "library", "librarian" or "libraries".
The phrase that is appended in the double quote characters (") only matches records that contain the phrase literally as it is written. Example: "some words" Finds records that contain the exact phrase "some words" (e.g., records containing "some words of wisdom" but not "some wise words"). Note that the characters " that surround the phrase are the operator characters that denote the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that surround the search string itself.